Saturday 29 November 2008

Thinking Critically about Culture

I love watching the kids play in the backyard together. They can use whatever is available and have all sorts of fun with it. We receive catalogues stuffed full of great toys and products for kids, and all of that stuff is fine, but they don’t need any of it to have a childhood full of fun, learning and growth.
However as soon as they are old enough to visit friends and observe what they have, they begin to form expectations of what they should have as well. I remember hearing one of my kids say “We don’t have as much toys as ______”, but the truth is that we have heaps of toys! (Why, in MY day we….!)

It reminds me as a parent of the importance of teaching our children about values, priorities and the importance of thinking critically about our culture. What our culture says is important and normal does not mean that it is right for us as people who live God’s way.

Our culture says that Christmas is a time for splurging on ourselves and those close to us. Lots of presents, lots of food and drink, lots of fun. The message of Christmas though is rooted in the love of God for those who were far away. It is the celebration of the One who gave up everything in order to give us everything. How should those simple facts change the way Christians celebrate Christmas?

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