Tuesday 1 July 2008

The God Delusion pt 2

Well it's been nearly a month since I posted pt 1, so I thought I'd better get something down!

I was doing some research on another topic when I came across this review by Stephen Tomkins on the shipoffools website. It expresses a lot of what I want to say after reading the first few chapters of the book. So I won't reinvent the wheel - have a read of what Stephen had to say!

I've been finding the book very interesting, confronting and I empathise with Dawkins' contempt of much that huddles under the umbrella of "religion". However he is incredibly selective in his use of material - he makes no attempt at fairness but seeks to tar all religious thought and practice with the same very ugly brush.

I would treat "The God Delusion" not as an informed critique of religion or of the existence of God (as defined in the opening chapter) but rather an expose of how religion is perceived by Dawkins himself and those who are of similar mind /perspective.

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