Thursday 31 May 2007

What an answer to prayer!

Does God answer prayer?
On Sunday we got into groups and prayed for rain. God knew ahead of time what we would be doing, and I believe He had an answer timed to be a great encouragement to us all. There was a little bit of rain forecast for the next few days, but not to bother turning your windscreen wipers on for! I thought that perhaps God might send some rain with the next system through maybe in a week or two's time. Here's what happened that night (click on image to see a larger version)...

God sent rain straight inland to us - nice steady rain that covered our district in a blanket of blessing! We continue to depend on God for follow-up rains, sunshine, protection from frosts & pests & diseases etc., but what an encouragement to recieve rain so quickly when our whole region was at a point of real anxiety because of the drought.

I've already posted the article I wrote for our local newspaper, which talks a bit about this event. On a personal level, God has really been challenging our family about our prayer life, and I'm looking at the whole issue of fasting at the moment. I am not attracted to fasting at all, but I think if we want to see God really work in our region we will need to humble ourselves and make prayer a priority. We've already upped the ante this year by starting a Wednesday morning prayer group, and I think the journey is just beginning!

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