Thursday 15 March 2007

Discipline of Journaling? You've got to be joking!

Well, after what felt like a promising start to my blogging career, all that's been happening lately is me posting up copies of my sermon notes! My last journal-type post was a month ago, so it's time for a re-start.

Part of the difficulty for me has been that a lot of the stuff dominating my thoughts & feelings over the last month or so has not been the sort of stuff that I could share online. Some things need to be kept in fairly small circles. Through it all though I have been learning a lot about what we need to be moving towards as communities of Christians (see "Disillusioned with Church").

I'm excited that we have finally (after 3 years of thinking about it) started a midweek prayer group, which includes people who cannot always get to Sunday services. Prayer is really the engine room of church life for a whole stack of reasons. One thing I love about corporate prayer (when it is done well) is that it draws us closer together vertically and horizontally. It brings us closer to God and to each other. It breaks through suspicions and misunderstandings and fosters a geniune sense of teamwork and mutual care. It encourages boldness in prayer and in prayerful action.

Anyhow, let's see how I go at being a bit more regular in jotting down stuff!

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